Calculation tool package

Marja Matinmikko, Jörg Huschke, Jussi Ojala

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter or book articleScientificpeer-review


The spectrum requirement calculation methodology for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced systems presented in Chapter 4 has been implemented into a software tool. The tool is called 'SPEctrum requirement calCULATOR for future developments of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000' (SPECULATOR). The tool has been implemented in Microsoft (MS) Excel to allow wide usability and to achieve transparency in calculations. The tool is publicly available on the ITU web site ( c). ITU used the tool to calculate the estimates of the spectrum requirements of IMT-Advanced at World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSpectrum Requirement Planning in Wireless Communications
Subtitle of host publicationModel and Methodology for IMT-Advanced
EditorsHideaki Takagi, Bernhard H. Walke
Place of PublicationChichester, England
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-470-75895-3
ISBN (Print)978-0-470-98647-9
Publication statusPublished - 2008
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book


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