Changes in innovation

Jani Saarinen*, Nina Rilla

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter or book articleScientificpeer-review


From the very beginning of mankind, technology has been one of the most essential and most important factors for the development of society. During the last 200 years, technological change has often been related to economic growth in the form of new types of goods and services. However, until the early days of the 20th century, technology was seen as something exogenous, which appeared outside the economic system and forced the economy to adjust itself to this new situation, in order to achieve an equilibrium. After some major advances made by such as Joseph Schumpeter in the area of technological development, innovations and industrial dynamics, technology was drawn inside the system and handled as something endogenous.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChanges in Innovation
Subtitle of host publicationTowards an Improved Understanding of Economic Renewal
EditorsJani Saarinen, Nina Rilla
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-230-24862-5
ISBN (Print)978-1-349-36717-7, 978-0-230-57744-2
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2009
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book


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