title = "Colour tolerances in contract proofing",
keywords = "proofing, colour tolerance, colour difference, acceptability, psychometry",
author = "Janne Laine and Kaisa Koivum{\"a}ki and Tapio Lepp{\"a}nen",
note = "HUO: Projektin nimi: Vedoksen ja painatustuloksen vastaavuus offsetpainatuksessa Project code: 4772",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-953-7292-03-4",
pages = "389--398",
booktitle = "Advances in Printing and Medial Technology Vol. XXXIII",
publisher = "IARIGAI - International Association of Research Organizations for the Printing, Information and Communication Industries",
address = "Germany",