Communicating the meaning of process state information - Comparing operator practices when using three forms of information presentation

Leena Norros, Leena Salo, Paula Savioja, Jari Laarni

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    Operational appropriateness of a function-oriented interface design approach, the Ecological Interface Design was investigated in a collaborative experimental study among HRP, UofT and VTT. In the study the EID concept was compared with two more traditional interface designs in six scenarios representing two levels of uncertainty about the situation and required action (within and out of design). Six NPP crews participated in the tests. This paper summarises the results achieved by VTT who was responsible for a detailed qualitative analysis of operator performance. The tentative results indicate that a direct relationship between the interface type and the performance outcome is visible in the “within” design scenario but not in the “out” scenario. There is, however, indication of a more generic but complex connection. Hence, an interpretation of situational demands, availability of interface affordances, and prehensility to make use of the affordances is needed to achieve a good outcome. The result should be tested on the available further data. Thereafter, the qualitative analyses will be put in a dialogue with the results achieved in the statistical analysis of the data.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions
    Place of PublicationHalden, Norway
    PublisherInstitute for Energy Technology (IFE)
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    EventEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, EHPG 2007 - Storefjell Resort Hotel, Gol, Norway
    Duration: 11 Mar 200716 Mar 2007


    ConferenceEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, EHPG 2007


    • Ecological interface design
    • EID
    • function-oriented design


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