Comparison of Nordic classification system for surface linings and floor coverings with the EU euroclasses for surface linings and floor coverings

Tuula Hakkarainen, Birgitte Messerschmidt, Anne Steen Hansen, Per Thureson

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    The proposed classification according to the new EU Euroclasses has been investigated for a series of surface linings and floor coverings used on the Nordic market. Test series according to NT FIRE 004 [1], NT FIRE 007 [2] and ISO 5657 [3) have been performed. A comparison has been done with the present Nordic classification system for surface linings and floor coverings.

    At the time of printing this report the class limits dividing the Euroclasses A2, B, C, D and E for surface linings were not 100% defined. Therefore the comparison is based on the present proposal for class limits given in the Document CONSTRUCT 98/310 of DG III of the European Commission. Update No. 10 on progress regarding fire related issues. 1998-09-30 [19]. Test results according to the so called "kleinbrenner" test which also is a part of the Euroclasses, were also taken into account in the comparison [4].

    The tests carned out on surface linings indicate that the SBI test method can be used to classify products in a similar way as done in the present Nordic countries classification system.

    For floor coverings a simple correlation between the damaged lengths as measured in NT FIRE 007 and the RF-30 values of the CEN floor covering test cannot be found. The general outlines of the ranking orders according to the tests are similar. For some products, e.g. wood products, the CEN floor covering test with the 1994 criteria is significantly more unfavourable than NT FIRE 007. Therefore, a class limit of RF-30 of about 3 kW/m2 is needed. This requirement corresponds relatively well with the current class L (in Finland) or G (in other Nordic countries) of the Nordic classification system. The limit value of 3 kW/mz is included in the latest version of the classification criteria.

    Draft requirements of smoke production for floor coverings were given at the RG meeting on 28-29 September 1998 [19]. If the new proposed Euroclasses decision will be approved, no major problems related to smoke production are foreseen when changing from the current Nordic requirements to the CEN classification system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBorås
    Number of pages36
    Publication statusPublished - 1999
    MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

    Publication series

    SeriesSP Report


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