Consumer attitudes towards AR applications in Finland and Canada

Aino Mensonen, Maiju Aikala, Natalia Lumby

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


This study aims to understand consumer attitudes towards augmented reality (AR) applications. The work was carried out with students and professionals in Finland and Canada as users, in order to investigate the similarities and differences between Finnish and Canadian consumers, following up on a study conducted by Gauttier and Schubert (2011), which was conducted in France and Russia. To understand the consumer attitudes towards AR applications, focus group interviews were carried out in both Finland and Canada. The Finnish group was composed of participants from Nordic countries. The focus group interviews were analysed and statements for testing were drawn from the analysis. Q-sort analysis was then used for further testing.

AR is seen as offering great potential for innovation. People would like to try the applications and would also find time for using them. AR is still a new technology for applications targeted toward consumers. The study participants valued the pragmatic aspects of the experience more than the hedonic ones, which is typical for new technologies. The expectations placed on AR applications are clearly high. In the results minor differences between countries were identified, however, users in both regions were very positive towards the use and future development of the technology. Moreover, using Q- sort methodology allowed the researchers to develop a framework of six user types. This framework can be used for further research as well as being useful for marketers who need to target specific groups of consumers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)245-253
JournalJournal of Print and Media Technology Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Augmented reality
  • consumer perception
  • mobile media
  • q-sort


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