Controlling a hand-held communication device

Esa Tuulari (Inventor), Sanna Kaartinen (Inventor), Tapio Seppänen (Inventor), Timo Kinnunen (Inventor), Risto Lustila (Inventor), Lauri Salomäki (Inventor), Tea Liukkonen-Olmiala (Inventor), Tiina Hynninen (Inventor), Jani Pirkola (Inventor), Leena Sippola (Inventor), Jani Mäntyjärvi (Inventor), Vesa-Matti Mäntylä (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A mobile communication handset has means for determining the orientation or movement of the handset and a trained signal processor for producing an output representative of the movement. The state of motion or a particular movement of the device can be used to adjust a performance parameter, define an operation of the handset, supply a gestural "password" or raise an alarm in the case of unauthorized use.

Patent family as of 28.9.2021

EUROPEAN PATENT EP1104143 A2  20010530 EP20000309610 20001031

EUROPEAN PATENT EP1104143 A3 20040901 EP20000309610 20001031

EUROPEAN PATENT EP1104143 B1 20090617 EP20000309610 20001031

EUROPEAN PATENT EP2111021 A1 20091021 EP20090156018 20001031

EUROPEAN PATENT EP2111021 B1 20140326 EP20090156018 20001031

AUSTRIA AT434336 E 20090715 AT20000309610T 20001031

GERMANY DE60042389 D1 20090730 DE20006042389T 20001031

GERMANY DE60048496 D1 20140508 DE20006048496 20001031

UNITED KINGDOM GB199928182 A0 20000126 GB19990028182 19991129

UNITED KINGDOM GB2358108 A1  20010711 GB19990028182 19991129

Link to current family on right

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP1104143 B1
IPCH04M 1/725
Priority date29/11/99
Filing date31/10/00
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2009
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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