Corrosion products behavior and source term reduction: Guidelines and feedback for EDF PWRs, concerning the B/Li coordinations and steam generators replacement

Matthieu Wintergerst, Stéphane Taunier, Odile De Bouvier, Cédric Pokor, Aki Toivonen, Gilles Ranchoux, Jean-Luc Bretelle, Florence Carrette

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    The release of corrosion products by the various components of the primary system into the cooling water may induce some issues on reactor control and on radiation dose rates. Several ways are available to reduce the amount and transportation of corrosion products in the primary coolant. The first approach is related to the materials used in the primary system. The paper presents the recent feedback regarding the primary coolant chemistry and radiochemistry after Steam Generators Replacements (SGR). The second approach is to optimize the primary water chemistry to reduce the release and the transport of the corrosion products through pH control by LiOH concentration. However, a detrimental effect of increased lithium hydroxide concentration on time to failure of irradiated SS 304 was clearly shown. Considering this risk, EDF is not favourable to the implementation of any elevated lithium chemistry program for its reactors without a better knowledge of the lithium hydroxide influence on IASCC of stainless steels.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationNuclear Plant Chemistry Conference 2010 (NPC 2010)
    Subtitle of host publicationInternational Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems and 8th International Radiolysis, Electrochemistry and Materials Performance Workshop : Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 3-7 October 2010
    Place of PublicationToronto
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication


    • corrosion
    • PWR
    • irradiation
    • stainless steel


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