Cryogenic Subthreshold Swing Saturation in FD-SOI MOSFETs Described With Band Broadening

Heorhii Bohuslavskyi, Louis Jansen, BARRAUD Sylvain, V. Barral, Mikaël Cassé, Loïck Le Guevel, xavier jehl, Louis Hutin, B. Bertrand, G. Billiot, Gaël Pillonnet, F. Arnaud, Philippe Galy, S. De Franceschi, M. Vinet, M. Sanquer

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93 Citations (Scopus)


In the standard MOSFET description of the drain current I D as a function of applied gate voltage V GS, the subthreshold swing SS(T)≡ dV GS/d log I D has a fundamental lower limit as a function of temperature T given by SS(T)= ln 10 k B T/e. However, recent low-temperature studies of different advanced CMOS technologies have reported SS(4 K or lower) values that are at least an order of magnitude larger. Here, we present and analyze the saturation of SS(T) in 28 nm fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) devices for both n- and p-type MOSFETs of different gate oxide thicknesses and gate lengths down to 4 K. Until now, the increase of interface-trap density close to the band edge as temperature decreases has been put forward to understand the saturation. Here, an original explanation of the phenomenon is presented by considering a disorder-induced tail in the density of states at the conduction (valence) band edge for the calculation of the MOS channel transport by applying the Fermi-Dirac statistics. This results in a subthreshold I D ∼ e eV GS/k B T 0 for T 0=35 K with saturation value SS (T < T 0)= ln 10 k B T 0/e. The proposed model adequately describes the experimental data of SS(T) from 300 down to 4 K using k B T 0 ≃ 3 meV for the width of the exponential tail and can also accurately describe SS(I D) within the whole subthreshold region. Our analysis allows a direct determination of the technology-dependent band-tail extension forming a crucial element in future compact modeling and the design of cryogenic circuits.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8660508
Pages (from-to)784-787
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Electron Device Letters
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • 28 nm FD-SOI
  • Cryogenic electronics
  • band tail
  • quantum computing
  • subthreshold swing


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