Defect tolerance for castings

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


    Heavy section cast GJS 400 nodular iron was studied. In ultrasonic factory inspection rejected and acceptable material blocks were evaluated by further ultrasonic measurements, radiography and fatigue testing. Radiography was capable to recognize porosity, but the sizes of individual pores could not be assessed. The defected area map of factory inspection resembles the C-scan image produced by semi-manual inspection using BAT method. Fatigue tests show a notable difference in fatigue resistance of the acceptable and rejected materials for 50 % failure probability, but the scatter was clearly higher in the acceptable material batch, meaning that reduction of safe fatigue design curve may be much smaller than the difference at 50 % failure probability.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCompetent Design by Castings: Improvements in a Nordic project
    Subtitle of host publicationGJUTDESIGN-2005 final seminar
    Place of PublicationEspoo
    PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
    ISBN (Electronic)951-38-6299-2
    ISBN (Print)951-38-6298-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings
    EventCompetent Design by Castings: Improvements in a Nordic project
    : GJUTDESIGN-2005 final seminar
    - Espoo, Finland
    Duration: 13 Jun 200514 Jun 2005

    Publication series

    SeriesVTT Symposium


    SeminarCompetent Design by Castings: Improvements in a Nordic project


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