Definition of QoE Fairness in Shared Systems

Tobias Hoßfeld, Lea Skorin-Kapov, Poul Heegaard, Martín Varela

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

85 Citations (Scopus)


User-centric service and application management focuses on the quality of experience (QoE) as perceived by the end user. Thereby, the goal is to maximize QoE while ensuring fairness among users, e.g., for resource allocation and scheduling in shared systems. Although the literature suggests to consider consequently QoE fairness, there is currently no accepted definition of QoE fairness. The contribution of this letter is the definition of a generic QoE fairness index F , which has desirable key properties as well as the rationale behind it. By using examples and a measurement study involving multiple users downloading web content over a bottleneck link, we differentiate the proposed index from QoS fairness and the widely used Jain's fairness index. Based on results, we argue that neither QoS fairness nor Jain's fairness index meet all of the desirable QoE-relevant Properties, which are met by F . Consequently, the proposed index F may be used to compare QoE fairness across systems and applications, thus serving as a benchmark for QoE management mechanisms and system optimization.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7588099
Pages (from-to)184-187
JournalIEEE Communications Letters
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed



  • fairness index
  • Quality of Experience (QoE)
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • fairness


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