Deliverable 18 - Cybervote prototyyppi 1 sekä käyttö- ja asennusohjeet

Janne Väre, Shreekanth Lakshmeshwar, Anton Wijs, Nektarios Georgalas, Stephan Brunessaux, Sylvie Brunessaux

Research output: Book/ReportReport


This report is the deliverable 18 of the CyberVote project. It was elaborated by WP4.6 "Write user manual and installation procedures". It presents the CyberVote prototype version 1 in high level including the user manual and the installation procedure, which are directed to the users of client and server of CyberVote design and specifications, see deliverable 10 volume 1 and volume 2. For implementations details see deliverable 15. Trial elections were conducted using this prototype version 1 at three locations. This report presents the prototype using the screenshots taken from these trial elections. The client and server user manuals and installation procedures for the practical usage of CyberVote system are presented at APPENDIX A, and APPENDIX B.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages98
Publication statusPublished - 2003
MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study


  • voting
  • e-democracy
  • mobile services7


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