Design and fabrication of integrated SPE-CE device for testosterone detection

Santeri Tuomikoski, Stella Rovio, Ari Hokkanen, Heli Sirén, Sami Franssila

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsScientific


Integrated SPE-CE microfluidistic chip has been designed and fabricated. Fabrication process has been optimized to produce high yield from the SU-8 process. Process innovations in adhesive wafer bonding and in division of double SU-8 layer exposure reduced alignment errors and reduced stresses in the structures. Achieved yield was 75% after process optimization. Fluidic and electrical behaviour of the chip has been simulated. Pillar-type bead filter shows uniform fluidic flow. Beads in the whole reservoir are applied for extraction. From the simulations it can be noticed that electric field behaves uniformly in the reservoir and therefore the electrokinetic transportation from the reservoir to the CE-channel occurs as desired. Fluidic tests have been made with testosterone samples. Successful extraction, elution and detection have been performed with the fluidic chips. However, size and shape of the SPE-reservoir should be optimized to performhigh efficiency separations in both directions with SPE-CE device. This can be done by further simulations and experiments. SU-8 process developed here can be easily adapted to the requirements of the fluidic performance. Both lateral dimensions and depth of the structures can be easily adjusted in the SU-8 process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication18th International Symposium on Micro-Scale Bioseparations
Subtitle of host publicationMBS'2005 Symposium
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Event18th International Symposium on Micro-Scale Bioseparations, MBS 2005 - New Orleans, United States
Duration: 12 Feb 200517 Feb 2005


Conference18th International Symposium on Micro-Scale Bioseparations, MBS 2005
Abbreviated titleMBS 2005
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Orleans


  • microchip
  • fabrication
  • solid-phase extraction
  • testosterone
  • electrophoresis


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