title = "Design Issues in All-IP Mobile Networks",
abstract = "The report summarises the results of the {"}Design of All-IP mobile network{"} (DAIMON) project, whose objective was to develop new networking technology solutions for an All-IP mobile network. The presented results form a complete concept for a future All-IP mobile system. The concept addresses both, the technical problems and social implications of such a system. The technical part focuses mainly on the radio propagation issues, radio resource management, services and QoS, positioning and heterogeneity. All addressed problems have been analysed from the user's and network's perspective. Several new methods and solutions, related to the above mentioned research areas, have also been developed and utilised in the project and are presented in this report.",
keywords = "Mobile networks, wireless telecommunication, All-IP, networking technology, resource management, services, positioning, quality of service, network dependability, propagation models",
editor = "Pertti Raatikainen",
note = "Project code: 4127 ",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-951-38-6928-1",
series = "VTT Tiedotteita - Meddelanden - Research Notes",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "2376",
address = "Finland",