Device for an electrochemical cell

Saara Viik (Inventor), Eero Hurme (Inventor), Anu Vaari (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    The present invention relates to a device for an electrochemical cell, comprising a first layer of substrate material having a plurality of first hydrophilic areas of the substrate and at least one hydrophobic area separating said first hydrophilic areas, the first layer of substrate material comprising at least two first electrodes made on at least two first hydrophilic areas; a second layer of substrate material having a plurality of second hydrophilic areas of the substrate and at least one hydrophobic area separating said second hydrophilic areas, the second layer of substrate material comprising at least two second electrodes made on at least two second hydrophilic areas; and one or more electrical conductors connected to at least two of said first electrodes. The first layer of substrate material and the second layer of substrate material are positioned on top of one another such that the at least two first electrodes are aligned with the at least two second electrodes in order to form at least two electrochemical cells for producing voltage when the at least two hydrophilic areas are contacted with an aqueous liquid.

    Patent family as of 10.12.2021
    CN107925094 A 20180417 CN201680050215 20160826      
    CN107925094 B 20210305 CN201680050215 20160826      
    DE602016031757 D1 20200402 DE201660031757T 20160826      
    EP3341992 A1 20180704 EP20160840880 20160826      
    EP3341992 A4 20190313 EP20160840880 20160826      
    EP3341992 B1 20200311 EP20160840880 20160826      
    US10700363 BB 20200630 US20160756074 20160826      
    US2018241048 AA 20180823 US20160756074 20160826      
    WO17037336 A1 20170309 WO2016FI50589 20160826

    Link to currentpatent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP3341992
    IPCH01M 8/ 00 A I
    Priority date26/08/16
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2018
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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