EasyWay VIKING ICT Infrastructure Guidelines 2012

R. Kulmala, Satu Innamaa, J. Dubbert, R. von Unruh, Å. Egemalm, S.-E. Hesselsøe, A.K. Jacobsen, L. Rystrøm, J. Flensholt, H. Friis, G. Rogstad, H. Westerheim, T.G. Eskedal, B. Bjerkeholt, H. Davoody, L. Jonsson, B. Eklund, U. Stenberg

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    The objective of the guidelines is to provide recommendations for the quality requirements of ICT infrastructure in the VIKING area of the EasyWay action. Applying these quality requirements should ensure the provision of core European ITS services on the EasyWay VIKING network with optimum quality with regard to the user and society benefits. The guidelines build on the TELTEN-2 guidelines, existing national guidelines, and those developed within the previous VIKING actions, as well as the quality requirements specified by the other EasyWay and VIKING activities for the core European ITS services. Development of guidelines for ICT infrastructure is a slow and long process, requiring consensus formation in its various steps. These guidelines are the first of their kind for the whole ICT infrastructure in the EasyWay VIKING area. The Guidelines contains now a proposal for common minimum quality requirements for monitoring: cross-section traffic information, travel time information, incident information, road weather and road surface condition information. In addition, the guidelines include recommendations for the minimum quality level of system architecture, traffic centre operations, information management and data exchange. The guidelines also include discussion and description of travel time estimation, local climate models, maintenance procedures for monitoring infrastructure, quality issues for air quality, individual speed monitoring, monitoring during road works and short-term prediction models. The guidelines development work is to be further continued in EasyWay, in close co-operation with the other EasyWay regions and activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

    Publication series

    SeriesEasyWay project publications


    • ICT infrastructure
    • guidelines
    • harmonisation


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