Effects of growing media on the postharvest quality of tomatoes and cucumbers

Leena Luoto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


The effects of growing media and type of greenhouse on the quality of tomatoes and cucumbers was investigated by determining the texture of these vegetables, their colour and taste by sensory evaluation and by chemical analysis the amount of dry matter and soluble dry matter as well as the pH value and acidity. The sensory evaluation of cucumber was carried out immediately after harvesting, while for tomatoes it tooks place one week after harvesting. The chemical analyses were performed immediately after harvesting. The harvesting period affected both the chemical and sensory quality characteristics. The type of greenhouse and growing media affected the dry matter content, pH value and acidity of tomatoes. The type of greenhouse and growing media had a significant effect on the quality characteristics of tomatoes as judged by sensory evaluation. Tomatoes grown in peat in plastic greenhouses were considered redder, softer and more tasty. Taste difference was greatest at the start of the harvesting season. The chemically evaluated characteristics of cucumber was also affected by the growing media and type of greenhouse. Differences between cucumbers grown in different media were especially great for those grown in plastic greenhouses. Growing media had no effect on texture defined using sensory evaluation. The colour of cucumber at the close of the harvesting season was affected by both type of greenhouse and growing media. At the start of the harvesting season the cucumbers tasting best had been grown in mineral wool. In autumn the worst-tasting cucumbers had been grown in mineral wool in plastic greenhouses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-243
JournalActa Horticulturae
Publication statusPublished - 1985
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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