Electrically driven electron spin resonance mediated by spin–valley–orbit coupling in a silicon quantum dot

Andrea Corna, Léo Bourdet, Romain Maurand, Alessandro Crippa, Dharmraj Kotekar-Patil, Heorhii Bohuslavskyi, Romain Laviéville, Louis Hutin, Sylvain Barraud, Xavier Jehl, Maud Vinet, Silvano De Franceschi, Yann-Michel Niquet, Marc Sanquer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

81 Citations (Scopus)


The ability to manipulate electron spins with voltage-dependent electric fields is key to the operation of quantum spintronics devices, such as spin-based semiconductor qubits. A natural approach to electrical spin control exploits the spin–orbit coupling (SOC) inherently present in all materials. So far, this approach could not be applied to electrons in silicon, due to their extremely weak SOC. Here we report an experimental realization of electrically driven electron–spin resonance in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) nanowire quantum dot device. The underlying driving mechanism results from an interplay between SOC and the multi-valley structure of the silicon conduction band, which is enhanced in the investigated nanowire geometry. We present a simple model capturing the essential physics and use tight-binding simulations for a more quantitative analysis. We discuss the relevance of our findings to the development of compact and scalable electron–spin qubits in silicon.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6
JournalNPJ Quantum Information
Publication statusPublished - 2 Feb 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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