A flexible electronic foil (1, 1′, 1″) comprising a flexible substrate (2) and at least one electrically conducive portion (3) arranged to the substrate (2). The foil (1, 1′, 1″) comprises mechanical fastening means (6, 6′, 7) for mechanical fastening of the electronic foil (1, 1′, 1″), the mechanical fastening means being part of the substrate (2) of the electronic foil (1, 1′, 1″).
Patent family as of 1.9.2022
CN111386752 A20200707CN20188007037820180831EP3677103 A120200708EP2018076975220180831
FI20175786 A20190302FI2017000578620170901
US11388815 BB20220712US2020064312520180831
US2020260567 AA20200813US2020064312520180831
WO19043298 A120190307WO2018FI5061820180831
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Original language | English |
Patent number | US11388815 |
IPC | H05K 3/ 36 A I |
Priority date | 31/08/18 |
Publication status | Published - 13 Aug 2020 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |