Elemental concentrations of aerosol samples from the Baltic Sea area

Erkki Häsänen, Maija Lipponen, Pentti Minkkinen, Reijo Kattainen, Kari Markkanen, Petr Brjukhanov

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Fifteen 48-hour and two 24-hour aerosol samples were collected in the summer of 1985 during a Baltic Sea cruise on the Soviet marine research vessel Akademik Shuleykin. The expedition was part of the Soviet-Finnish programme for scientific and technical co-operation.

The geometric means of the concentration of the different elements expressed as ng m−3, were as follows: sulphate sulphur 2110, ammonium nitrogen 1950, nitrate nitrogen 750, sodium 267, aluminium 218, iron 215, zinc 22.0, lead 11.7, manganese 6.7, vanadium 5.9, arsenic 0.82, antimony 0.28, lanthanum 0.19, cadmium 0.17 and cobalt 0.11. The concentrations of all of the elements varied widely during the cruise: by a factor of 5 to 10 depending on whether the air masses were coming from the heavily industrialized areas of Central Europe or from the cleaner areas of Northern Europe.

A strong positive correlation was found between some elements, probably indicating an origin from the same source, e.g. industry, energy production, traffic or natural environment sources.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)339-347
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1990
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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