Evaluation of computational fluid dynamic methods for reactor safety analysis (ECORA)

M. Scheuerer (Corresponding Author), M. Heitsch, F. Menter, Y. Egorov, I. Toth, D. Bestion, S. Pigny, H. Paillere, A. Martin, M. Boucker, E. Krepper, S. Willemsen, P. Muhlbauer, M. Andreani, B. Smith, R. Karlsson, M. Henriksson, B. Hemstrom, Ismo Karppinen, G. Kimber

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    58 Citations (Scopus)


    The objective of the ECORA project is the evaluation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for reactor safety applications, resulting in best practice guidelines (BPG) for an efficient use of CFD for reactor safety problems. The project schedule is as follows: (i) establishment of BPGs for use of CFD codes, for judgement of CFD calculations and for assessment of experimental data; (ii) assessment of CFD simulations for three-dimensional flows in LWR primary systems and containments; (iii) quality-controlled CFD simulations for selected UPTF and SETH PANDA test cases; and (iv) demonstration of CFD code customisation for PTS analysis by implementation and validation of improved turbulence and two-phase flow models. The project started in October 2001 and is for a period of 36 months. The project consortium consists of 12 partners combining thermal-hydraulic experts, code developers, safety experts and engineers from nuclear industry and research organizations. At mid-term, the following results were achieved: (i) BPGs are available for simulations of reactor safety relevant flows. These BPGs have found interest in the European projects FLOMIX-R, ASTAR and ITEM; (ii) important flow phenomena for PTS and containment flows have been identified; (iii) experimental data featuring these phenomena have been selected and described in a standardised manner suitable for simulation with CFD methods; (iii) surveys of existing CFD calculations and experimental data for containment and primary loop flows have been performed and documented; (iv) first results for simulations of PTS-relevant single-phase and two-phase flow cases are available. Documentation is available via the internet at http://domino.grs.de/ecora/ecora.nsf. The models developed within the project are implemented in industrial and commercial CFD software packages and are therefore accessible by industry and research institutions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)359 - 368
    Number of pages10
    JournalNuclear Engineering and Design
    Issue number2-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • nuclear power plants
    • nuclear reactor safety
    • nuclear safety
    • validation
    • code validation
    • computational fluid dynamics
    • CFD
    • light water reactors


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