EXAM-HRA - Evaluation of existing applications and guidance on methods for human reliability analysis

Günter Becker, Kent Bladh, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Gunnar Johanson, Anders Karlsson, Anders Olsson, Lasse Tunturivuori

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


EXAM-HRA is an international project which assesses human reliability analysis (HRA) applications in existing probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) studies. The overall project objective is to provide guidance for a "Good praxis" HRA for purposes of PSA to ensure that plant specific properties are properly taken into consideration in the analysis and to provide means to improve plant features based on HRA results. This includes identifying discrepancies and actual aspects explaining why differences in results can be observed in HRA applications. The guidance developed in the project shall also provide means to improve the experience feedback on plant features based on HRA and PSA results. The project has been performed in several consecutive phases. In the first phase a framework for identifying discrepancies in existing HRA applications was developed. This included development of a survey and screening process for operator actions in existing PSA studies as well as development of an evaluation guide. The survey provided an overview of performed HRA applications in Nordic and German PSAs, including approximately 420 operator actions from six PSA studies, and constituted the basis for the selection of scenarios and actions for assessment in the upcoming phases. The case studies resulted in observations that allow for improvements of both plant features as well as the HRA itself. In the current stage, the collaboration has been expanded to cover also Swiss and French partners. The paper presents the EXAM-HRA analysis framework and major findings so far.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting 2013, HPR-379
PublisherInstitute for Energy Technology (IFE)
Publication statusPublished - 2013
MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings
EventEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, EHPG 2013 - Storefjell, Norway
Duration: 10 Mar 201315 Mar 2013


ConferenceEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, EHPG 2013
Abbreviated titleEHPG 2013


  • human reliability analysis
  • HRA
  • probabilistic safety assessment
  • PSA


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