Experience innovation: Co-creating value with users

Juha Oksanen, Minna Lammi, Torsti Loikkanen, Mikko Rask, Petteri Repo, Päivi Timonen

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    This report documents the results of a study focusing on linkages between innovation, the experience economy, and society. At the heart of the study is the challenge to understand the factors and mechanisms that are critical for the development of new product and service concepts with an experience dimension, across different sectors. In addition, specific attention is paid to the ways users are engaged in the co-creation of ex-periences and also in innovation activities and the development of new offerings in the context of the experience economy. Based on a literature review, the study provides an overview of the development of the experience economy as a phenomenon, and outlines a definition of the concept of innovation compatible with specific character-istics of experiences as intangible and highly individual factors. The ap-proach adopted from the outset underlines the need to broaden the pre-vailing perspective on experience and innovation. Accordingly, the study does not focus on extreme, high-arousal experiences or innovation in narrowly defined creative industries, but rather on the role of intangible experiences, high and low, play in new offerings across sectors, and how experiences are taken into account in the development of different types of offerings. The study introduces a new typology, which enables the mapping and visualisation of experience innovation on two dimensions, one describing the intensity of participation in the experience, and the other the context dedicated to the experience. The typology is applied and elaborated in four cases. Furthermore, four case studies are reported to highlight issues related to experience innovation and co-creation from a company per-spective. An analysis of the latter-mentioned cases results in an indicative checklist of questions to consider when a company is looking for ways to integrate experience-facilitating elements and settings in new offerings.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationEspoo
    PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
    Number of pages56
    ISBN (Electronic)978-951-38-7854-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible

    Publication series

    SeriesVTT Technology


    • experience
    • innovation
    • value creation
    • co-creation


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