Facility Management costs of spa and wellness hotels and rehabilitation centres

Esko Vaisanen, Veli Mottonen, Timo Kauppinen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsProfessional


The facility management costs and energy consumption of spa and wellness hotels and rehabilitation centers has been determined and compared during the year 2002 in a benchmarking study by Promain Oy and VTT Building and Transport. We plan to continue interactive Internet-based monitoring of costs and consumption in the following years. The gathered current data represents the year 2001. Thirteen spa hotels and rehabilitation centers participated in this study. The data logging and booking practices varied somewhat, and in some cases a lack of data and problems in obtaining exact information hindered the comparison a little. We attempted to correct the faults at feedback meetings at the latest.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10th European Real Estate Society Conference
PublisherEuropean Real Estate Society (ERES)
Publication statusPublished - 2003
MoE publication typeD3 Professional conference proceedings
EventERES 2003, 12th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference in association with the International Real Estate Society, 10th European Real Estate Society Conference - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 10 Jun 200313 Jun 2003


ConferenceERES 2003, 12th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference in association with the International Real Estate Society, 10th European Real Estate Society Conference


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