FFUSION research programme 1993-1998: Final report of the Finnish fusion research programme

Seppo Karttunen, Heikki Ahola, Olgierd Dumbrajs, Aarne Halme, Jukka Heikkinen, Veli Heikkinen, Juhani Keinonen, Riitta Korhonen, Taina Kurki-Suonio, Jari Likonen, Timo Pättikangas, Rainer Salomaa, Mikko Siuko, Juhani Teuho, Seppo Tähtinen, Frej Wasastjerna

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    This report summarizes the results of the Fusion Energy Research Programme, FFUSION, during the period 1993-1998. After the planning phase the programme started in 1994, and later in March 1995 the FFUSION Programme was integrated into the EU Fusion Programme and the Association Euratom-Tekes was established. Research areas in the FFUSION Programme are (1) fusion physics and plasma engineering, (2) fusion reactor materials and (3) remote handling systems. In all research areas industry is involved. Recently, a project on environmental aspects of fusion and other future energy systems started as a part of the socio-economic research (SERF) in the Euratom Fusion Programme. A crucial component of the FFUSION programme is the close collaboration between VTT Research Institutes, universities and Finnish industry. This collaboration has guaranteed dynamic and versatile research teams, which are large enough to tackle challenging research and development projects. Regarding industrial fusion R&D activities, the major step was the membership of Imatran Voima Oy in the EFET Consortium (European Fusion Engineering and Technology), which further strengthened the position of industry in the engineering design activities of ITER. The number of FFUSION research projects was 66. In addition, there were 32 industrial R&D projects. The total cost of the FFUSION Programme in 1993-1998 amounted to FIM 54 million in research at VTT and Universities and an additional FIM 21 million for R&D in Finnish industry. The main part of the funding was provided by Tekes, 36%. Since 1995, yearly Euratom funding has exceeded 25%. The FFUSION research teams have played an active role in the European Programme, receiving excellent recognition from the European partners. Theoretical and computational fusion physics has been at a high scientific level and the group collaborates with the leading experimental laboratories in Europe. Fusion technology is focused on reactor materials, joining techniques, superconductor development and water-hydraulic applications, in which FFUSION teams have achieved a firm position in the EU Fusion Programme. A challenging full-scale prototype system for the ITER in-vessel viewing has been completed as a collaborative effort between VTT, Helsinki University of Technology and IVO Technology Centre.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationEspoo
    PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
    Number of pages158
    ISBN (Electronic)951-38-5348-9
    ISBN (Print)951-38-5347-0
    Publication statusPublished - 1998
    MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

    Publication series

    SeriesVTT Publications


    • fusion reactors
    • fusion physics
    • plasma engineering
    • remote handling
    • nuclear energy


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