Final report on EURAMET.L-S21: 'Supplementary comparison of parallel thread gauges'

Vedran Mudronja, Vedran Simunovic, Bojan Acko, Michael Matus, Edit Bánréti, Dicso István, Rudolf Thalmann, Antti Lassila, Lauri Lillepea, Gian Bartolo Picotto, Roberto Bellotti, Marco Pometto, Okhan Ganioglu, Ilker Meral, José Antonio Salgado, Vailleau Georges

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


    The results of the comparison of parallel thread gauges between ten European countries are presented. Three thread plugs and three thread rings were calibrated in one loop. Croatian National Laboratory for Length (HMI/FSB-LPMD) acted as the coordinator and pilot laboratory of the comparison. Thread angle, thread pitch, simple pitch diameter and pitch diameter were measured. Pitch diameters were calibrated within 1a, 2a, 1b and 2b calibration categories in accordance with the EURAMET cg-10 calibration guide. A good agreement between the measurement results and differences due to different calibration categories are analysed in this paper. This comparison was a first EURAMET comparison of parallel thread gauges based on the EURAMET ctg-10 calibration guide, and has made a step towards the harmonization of future comparisons with the registration of CMC values for thread gauges.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number04003
    Issue numberTechnical Supplement
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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