Fluorimetric oxygen sensor with an efficient optical read-out for in vitro cell models

Hannu Välimäki, Jarmo Verho, Joose Kreutzer, Dhanesh Kattipparambil Rajan, Tomi Ryynänen, Mari Pekkanen-Mattila, Antti Ahola, Kirsi Tappura, Pasi Kallio, Jukka Lekkala

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    17 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper presents a phase fluorimetric sensor for the monitoring of the oxygen concentration in in vitro cell models. The sensing surface of the sensor consists of oxygen sensitive fluorescent dyes (platinum(II) octaethylporphyrinketone) embedded in a thin polystyrene film. In order to optimize the optical read-out scheme of the sensor, we carried out electromagnetic simulations of a fluorescently doped polystyrene film deposited on a glass-water interface. The simulation results showed highly anisotropic angular emission distribution with the maximum irradiance being at super critical angles, which attracts tailored optical designs to maximize the fluorescence collection efficiency. For this purpose, we applied an efficient optical read-out scheme based on an in-contact parabolic lens. The use of parabolic lens also facilitates confocal total internal reflection excitation from the substrate side. This makes the excitation effective and insensitive to biofouling or other optical changes in the sensing surface and, more importantly, greatly reduces the amount of excitation power radiated into the cell culture chamber. Experimental results show that when applied together with phase fluorimetric lifetime sensing, this optical scheme allows one to use thin films (
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)738-746
    Number of pages9
    JournalSensors and Actuators B: Chemical
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • fluorimetric oxygen sensor
    • thin film fluorescence
    • enhanced optical read-out
    • in vitro cell models
    • PtOEPK
    • cardiac cells
    • OtaNano


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