Formation and analysis of structured solid foam patties based on crosslinked plant cell suspension cultures

Elviira Kärkkäinen, Heikki Aisala, Heiko Rischer, Nesli Sözer (Corresponding Author)

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Cellular agriculture is a new alternative food production technology that combines the cultivation of plant, animal or microbial cells with biotechnology. However, it can be challenging to manufacture cell-based products that reproduce the texture and organoleptic properties of conventional foods. Here, we developed a strategy to design the architecture of food products making use of plant cell suspension cultures derived from arctic bramble and rowan. Cellulose and pectin in the plant cell walls were cross-linked with citric acid and subject to partial alkaline hydrolysis under different conditions, followed by freeze drying in molds to form structured solid foam patties. We used a range of structural and mechanical characterization techniques and a trained sensory panel to show that highly nutritious plant cell cultures can form edible matrices with appropriate sensory qualities. The addition of citric acid without a base achieved a more acidic and berry-like flavor, whereas high doses of hydroxide and high temperatures conferred greater bite resistance. This new understanding of food structure design will facilitate the development of sustainable, healthy, and nutritious alternative food production technologies largely decoupled from conventional agriculture.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113650
JournalLWT - Food Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Cellular agriculture
  • Food structure design
  • Plant cell
  • Sensory evaluation


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