From shutdown to start of dismantling: Experiences from the FiR 1 TRIGA reactor in Finland

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


In summer 2021, the Government of Finland granted to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd a decommissioning licence for the FiR 1 research reactor, which was operated in 1962–2015. This paper summarises the lessons learned in planning, licensing, contracting and preparatory measures from shutdown until start of dismantling in spring 2023.
Technical plans of decommissioning are summarised in the final decommissioning plan and the final safety analysis report for decommissioning, which VTT completed in 2022. These are based on de-tailed dismantling and waste management planning in co-operation with VTT’s main contractor Fortum (see [1]). Equally important is the fact that the preparation for decommissioning involved also com-plete revision of the management system of the reactor: Organization, quality management practices in particular concerning subcontracting, and site arrangements including radiation protection, site and information security, emergency preparedness and nuclear safeguards.
FiR 1 has been a key nuclear energy training and research facility for almost two generations. Now it serves as a pilot facility also in decommissioning, being a forerunner in using virtual visits in the planning, detailed activity inventory characterization, radioactive waste management between licen-sees, and development of free release of materials, including methods to estimate difficult-to-measure nuclides (see also [2]). Lessons learned can be applied to the preparations for the decom-missioning of nuclear power reactors (see also [3]).
[1] M. Kaisanlahti et al., this Conference
[2] J. Siivinen, J. Hokkinen and P. Viitanen, this Conference
[3] O. Soppela et al., this Conference
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2023
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
EventInternational Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning, DECOM 2023: Addressing the Past and Ensuring the Future - Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
Duration: 15 May 202319 May 2023
Conference number: CN-312


ConferenceInternational Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning, DECOM 2023
Internet address


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