Tarja Tamminen (Inventor), Jarmo Ropponen (Inventor), Eva-Lena Hult (Inventor), Kristiina Poppius-Levlin (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


In this study, commercially available softwood lignin was esterified with tall oil fatty acid (TOFA) and tested as barrier material in fiber-based packaging material. The modified lignin samples were applied with a bar coater forming an even coating on the paperboard substrate. A significant decrease in WVTR and OTR value was observed for paperboard coated with the modified lignin as well as pure TOFA used as a reference. In contrast to the TOFA coating, the modified lignin coatings exhibited a high and stable contact angle. The coating material did not affect the tensile strength of the paperboard. According to the results, the demonstration of the conversion of lignin into a value added product has been shown. Furthermore, the novel coating material shows promising properties for the development as sustainable barrier material in fiber-based packaging material to replace oil-placed barriers.

Patent family as of 7.10.2021
BR112014008321A2 20170418 BR20141108321 20121008      
BR112014008321B1 20210112 BR20141108321 20121008      
DE602012049627 D1 20180906 DE201260049627T 20121008      
DK2751169 T3 20181126 DK20120838878T 20121008      
EP2751169 A1 20140709 EP20120838878 20121008      
EP2751169 A4 20150408 EP20120838878 20121008      
EP2751169 B1 20180808 EP20120838878 20121008      
US2014243511 AA 20140828 US20120348904 20121008      
US9902815 BB 20180227 US20120348904 20121008      
WO13050661 A1 20130411 WO2012FI50965 20121008

Link to current patent family on right 

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP2751169
IPCD21H 17/ 23 A I
Priority date8/10/12
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2014
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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