Hackathons for innovation: case Living Lab Bus and passenger game Bussig in Junction 2017

Juho Kostiainen, Jani-Pekka Jokinen, Nikola Pantic, Filip Marko, Gustav Bylund

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleProfessional


    This paper presents a case study of using an open innovation platform and hackathons to advance service innovation. IoT-enabled buses were used as the context for a mobility track challenge at the Junction 2017 hackathon held in Espoo, Finland. We describe the challenge and the context, offered assets and support and the judging criteria. Moreover, we present the challenge winner as an example of a shared game for passengers. It shows how hackathons can provide fresh ideas to improve public transport passenger experience and, thus, potentially contribute towards a mode shift. The paper provides lessons learned on aspects to consider when setting up hackathon challenges, including different roles of technical support, mentors and judges as well as setting criteria and objectives.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2018
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    Event25th ITS World Congress: Quality of life - Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 17 Sept 201821 Sept 2018
    https://itsworldcongress.com/ (Link to conference website)


    Conference25th ITS World Congress
    Internet address


    • public transport
    • hackathon
    • infotainment


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