Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot

Alberto Brunete (Corresponding Author), Ernesto Gambao (Corresponding Author), Jukka Koskinen, Tapio Heikkilä, Knut Berg Kaldestad, Ilya Tyapin, Geir Hovland, Dragoljub Surdilovic, Miguel Hernando, Aldo Bottero, Stefan Anton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    50 Citations (Scopus)


    Hard materials can be cost effectively machined with standard industrial robots by enhancing current state-of-the-art technologies. It is demonstrated that even hard metals with specific robotics-optimised novel hard-metal tools can be machined by standard industrial robots with an improved position-control approach and enhanced compliance-control functions. It also shows that the novel strategies to compensate for elastic robot errors, based on models and advanced control, as well as the utilisation of new affordable sensors and human-machine interfaces, can considerably improve the robot performance and applicability of robots in machining tasks. In conjunction with the development of safe robots for human-robot collaboration and cooperation, the results of this paper provide a solid background for establishing industrial robots for industrial-machining applications in both small- and medium-size enterprises and large industry. The planned short-term and long-term exploitation of the results should significantly increase the future robot usage in the machining operations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)185-199
    Number of pages15
    JournalRobotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • Compliance control
    • HMI
    • Industrial
    • Machining
    • Path planning
    • Robot
    • Small-batch


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