Holistic approach to a successful market implementation of active and intelligent food packaging

Sanne Tiekstra, Ana Dopico-Parada, Hanna Koivula, Johanna Lahti, Mieke Buntinx* (Corresponding Author)

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

34 Citations (Scopus)


Market implementation of active and intelligent packaging (AIP) technologies specifically for fiber-based food packaging can be hindered by various factors. This paper highlights those from a social, economic, environmental, and legislative point of view, and elaborates upon the following aspects mainly related to interactions among food packaging value chain stakeholders: (i) market drivers that affect developments, (ii) the gap between science and industry, (iii) the gap between legislation and practice, (iv) cooperation between the producing stakeholders within the value chain, and (v) the gap between the industry and consumers. We perceive these as the most influential aspects in successful market implementation at a socioeconomic level. The findings are supported by results from quantitative studies analyzing consumer buying expectations about active and intelligent packaging (value perception of packaging functions, intentions to purchase AIP, and willingness to pay more) executed in 16 European countries. Finally, in this paper, we discuss approaches that could direct future activities in the field towards industrial implementation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number465
Pages (from-to)1-22
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


This research was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST action FP1405, Active and intelligent fiber-based packaging, innovation, and market introduction (ActInPak). The APC was funded by the University of Hasselt.


  • Active packaging
  • Bioeconomy
  • Consumer’s perception
  • Fiber-based packaging
  • Food packaging value chain
  • Intelligent packaging
  • Socioeconomic roadmap
  • Sustainable food packaging


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