How does the owner affect the operation of rescue services

Riitta Molarius

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    Pfeffer and Salanick (1978) offered the resource dependence theory which notes that no organizations are entirely independent of others as they nevertheless also need resources to operate; such as money, material, labour and knowledge, which are typically under some other organizations power. All organizations are dependent on external actors and it is clearly necessary to co-operate with resource-controlling organizations. Resource dependence is generally not discussed in association with public organizations, as their resources derive from public taxes. Such discussions may, however, be necessary if; and when; the "owner" of a public organization changes. The history of rescue services and fire brigades in Finland shows that the rescue operations are dependent on the owner of the resources.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    Event3rd European Regional Safe Community Conference, EuroSafe 2012: Safety - Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - Falköping, Sweden
    Duration: 4 Jun 20125 Jun 2012


    Conference3rd European Regional Safe Community Conference, EuroSafe 2012


    • rescue services
    • resource dependence


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