How to help people work safely - promoting safety culture and safe work practices

Kaarin Ruuhilehto, Jouko Heikkilä, Terho Suna

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    Recently, a clear demand for tools to improve safety by affecting human behaviour has been identified in industries all over the world. It has become evident that technical and management improvements are no longer sufficient to promote safety. At-risk behaviour and unsafe attitudes still prevail in spite of all the training, instructions, supervision and guidance. Knowledge and tools to manage safety of technical devices and the working environment are available and in daily use. Individual behaviour and personal attitudes are more difficult to tackle and handle in work places, and effective tools seem to be missing.
    In Finland, Fortum Oil and Gas started a programme in co-operation with VTT's researchers and a national development project to promote safe behaviour and a stronger positive attitude to safety. A tool to analyse behaviour was introduced. The goal was to reduce the number of occupational and environmental accidents from the current very good national level to those among the best in the world. The programme was started with two pilot cases. On the basis of behaviour analyses, systematic and focused support for safe behaviour has been organised. Based on the experiences in the pilot cases, the tools were improved. The improved tools have been gradually taken into wider use in the company. Facilitators have been appointed within the company to support the use of the tools.
    This paper describes the implementation and use of behaviour modification programme in Fortum Oil and Gas. The results and lessons learned are presented. The aspects of participation, gaining an insight and commitment on every level of the organisation as an important part of promoting safe behaviour are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLoss Prevention 2004 Proceedings
    PublisherCzech Society of Chemical Engineering
    ISBN (Print)978-80-02015-74-1, 80-02-01574-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2004
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    Event11th International Symposium on Loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries, Loss Prevention 2004 - Prague, Czech Republic
    Duration: 31 May 20043 Jun 2004


    Conference11th International Symposium on Loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries, Loss Prevention 2004
    Country/TerritoryCzech Republic


    • behavioural safety
    • safety culture


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