Impact of fiber characteristics on the homogeneity of paper micro-mechanics, topography and micro formation

Wolfgang P. Weinhold, Sabine Heinemann, Sari Liukkonen, Jari Sirviö, Helen Wang, Igor Podgorbunskich, Winfried Weinhold

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    Since standardized handsheet testing procedures are only sufficient to characterize the development of pulp properties e.g. during mechanical pulping in a macro scale, two testing systems, developed and patented by Innowep GmbH - TRACEiTr Profilometer and USTr Universal Surface Tester - were applied on TMP handsheets to go further in answering questions about the correlation between dimensions and character of fibers and paper characteristics in a micro scale. The resulting parameters correlate well with pulp data such as mass-weighted fiber length, fiber width and z-directional handsheet structure and could explain some effects of handsheet manufacturing on the handsheet properties. Thus, also a better understanding of how to perform physical tests on handsheets and how to interpret the gained results could be found.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    EventCOST Action E54 Final Conference - Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Duration: 22 Mar 201124 Mar 2011


    ConferenceCOST Action E54 Final Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


    • Fiber dimension
    • surface roughness
    • conformability
    • elastic behavior
    • chemical pulp
    • mechanical pulp


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