Implementation of information systems as an organisational construction

Raimo Hyötyläinen

Research output: Book/ReportReport


In this study, the focus is on the implementation process of information systems, which is approached by means of a systems analysis with its strong organisational emphasis. The intent is to create theoretical and conceptual research models as well as practical solutions. The objective is to use various research approaches to show the possibilities of a constructive research and development approach in creating organisational constructions in the planning and implementation of information systems and their practical development solutions, as well as in the formation of new theoretical and conceptual knowledge. In this study, consideration is given to a constructive approach that is close to the pragmatic research and development tradition. The main aim of the study is to determine the new kind of planning and implementation system and its major relations with its organisational constructions, emphasising practical applicability. In this study, the treatment of the implementation process of information sys-tems in a user organisation is tackled in a new way. The main argument in this study is that it is not only a question of changing the view of renovating information systems in a more user friendly manner. Instead, it is a question of a profound change in the research and development approach for researching and developing information systems. The main point of view is to look at the implementation of information systems as an organisational construction, comprising learning and innovation processes where different actors in the organisation are involved and influence the actions adopted. In this study, it is emphasised that there is the need to renew knowledge con-cepts from the premises of positivism and interpretivism towards constructive approaches, with new knowledge concepts based on critical realism approaches. Furthermore, the study develops an organisational construction process-oriented framework for the implementation issue. This means that the implementation of information systems is seen to be a gradual organisational process in which the learning and innovation steps taken by the applying organisation and its different actors play a crucial role for the success of the implementation process. In this study, it is shown that the implementation of an information system in an organisation is a complicated process, which involves issues involving technical and organisational changes. This forms an innovation design dilemma. From the viewpoint of successful change, technical change should be seen as an organisational construction process. The organisational construction process can become an obstacle to successful implementation and, thus, endanger achievement of the set objectives. After the strategic and management process, the implementation of information systems consists of three main activities. These are: planning activity, implementation activity, and use and development activity. In the planning, it is normally a question of an activity with the objective of a new solution compared to the former situation. That can be seen as an innovation from the wiewpoint of the user-organisation. The information system applied is the main part of this innovation. Besides, organisational construction processes and new action modes are to be a part of this innovation solution. Through the implementation activity, these innovation elements are tried out in practice. The other dimension is organisational and technical development, which describes the effort to gain the full use of the potential of the innovation steps. In this study, the planning and implementation steps in four cases are descri-bed and analysed. It is shown which method can be used to implement and use information systems. In each case, the following points will be described and analysed: the starting points; the choice and definition of objectives; the analysis; the development work; and the assessment of results. As the result of the case analysis, an analysis of all the case results is made, and management aspects are assessed. The basis is the life-cycle framework. The path models comprise a strategy and management model, a requirements model, an implementation model, and a development model. There are interde-pendencies between the path models. These refer to the objectives and hierarchical action trees, change management, organisational changes, and investment models. Furthermore, as the summary, the decision for growth and change was assessed. The points are: the challenges of growing firms, the importance of implementation, the management practices, and competence development, which are analysed and assessed in connection to the implementation of information systems, as well as to strategic and organisational changes. In this study, there is an implication of how to solve the innovation design dilemma. Different solution models are considered. The study presents solutions for the management of the implementation process of information systems. As the basis, the planning choice of technical change is analysed. As the theoretical result of this study, the organisational construction model for the planning and implementation process is analysed and assessed. The organisational learning approach completes the organisational construction model with learning dimensions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEspoo
PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Number of pages171
ISBN (Electronic)978-951-38-7959-4
ISBN (Print)978-951-38-7958-7
Publication statusPublished - 2013
MoE publication typeNot Eligible

Publication series

SeriesVTT Science


  • information system
  • implementation
  • organisation
  • innovation design dilemma
  • theoretical approaches
  • information and knowledge concepts
  • constructive approaches and models
  • constructive methods
  • case solutions


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