Implementation of media independent handover for wireless broadband multimedia applications: Master's thesis

Esa Piri

Research output: ThesisMaster's thesis


Today’s mobile devices are equipped with multiple wirelesses and wired network interfaces. Their increasing use by multimedia applications over networks in unison with great mobility challenges conventional mobility managers in their effort to deliver the specified Quality of Service requirements. In the next generation network (4G) communication we face the situation of, not only roaming between base stations of the same access technology, but also spanning different access technologies during the use of network services in a seamless manner. As networks become more heterogeneous, the goal is to make the user experience flawless while hiding all complexities. The IEEE 802.21 working group is drafting on a standard to facilitate the handling of proliferation of overlapping networks by providing a framework for efficiently discovering networks in range, and executing intelligent heterogeneous handovers between them, based on their respective capabilities and information about current link conditions. This thesis presents a prototype implementation of the upcoming IEEE 802.21 standard and testbed results showing how multimedia applications can benefit from its services. Previous publicly available studies of IEEE 802.21 are focused solely on improving handover efficiency. In contrast, this thesis concentrates on using the prototype implementation for traffic and network application adaptation beyond handovers, based on both dynamic and static link information available via IEEE 802.21. Relating to the IEEE 802.21 prototype, this thesis evaluates VoIP aggregation and Robust Header Compression as two promising schemes that can significantly improve the utilization of wireless broadband networks. Besides presenting an empirical investigation based on thorough testbed measurements, this thesis also explores how VoIP aggregation and ROHC can be initiated using IEEE 802.21 services, in an effort to maximize network resource utilization.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationMaster Degree
Awarding Institution
  • University of Oulu
Place of PublicationOulu
Publication statusPublished - 2008
MoE publication typeG2 Master's thesis, polytechnic Master's thesis


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