Improved production of oxalyl-coa, glyoxylate and/or glycolic acid

Mervi Toivari (Inventor), Marja Ilmén (Inventor), Merja Penttilä (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    The present invention relates to a method of converting oxalate to oxalyl-coA and/or oxalyl-coA to glyoxylate in a fungus and to a method of producing glycolic acid. Still, the present invention relates to a genetically modified fungus comprising increased enzyme activity associated with oxalyl-CoA. And furthermore, the present invention relates to use of the fungus of the present invention for producing oxalate, oxalyl-coA, glyoxylate and/or glycolic acid from a carbon substrate. Still furthermore, the present invention relates to a method of producing specific products and to a method of preparing the genetically modified fungus of the present invention.

    Patent family as of 29.12.2021
    EP3658677 A1 20200603 EP20180752797 20180727      
    US11124810 BB 20210921 US20200633608 20180727      
    US2020199632 AA 20200625 US20200633608 20180727      
    WO19020870 A1 20190131 WO2018FI50557 20180727

    Link to currentpatent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS2020199632
    IPCC12P 5/ 02 A I
    Priority date27/07/18
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Jun 2020
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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