title = "In-service inspections and monitoring (INSMO): INSMO summary report",
abstract = "The In-service Inspections and Monitoring project has been concentrating on the techniques and systems that are applied to examine the structural integrity of critical components by non-destructive methods. Also the monitoring of material properties has been considered to some extent. The conventional non-destructive methods are usually applied to metallic components and materials. In this project the reinforced concrete structures have been an interesting additional area. This report first lists the main objectives of the project and then concentrates on short discussion of the results of the different areas covered by project.",
author = "Matti Sarkimo",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
isbn = "951-38-6085-X ",
series = "VTT Tiedotteita - Research Notes",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "2164",
pages = "79--87",
booktitle = "FINNUS: The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 1999-2002",
address = "Finland",