Infrared absorption and detection enhancement using plasmonics

Kirsi Tappura (Inventor), Tomi Haatainen Tomi (Inventor), Tapio Mäkelä (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    According to an aspect, there is provided a structure comprising an absorbing layer (108, 401) for absorbing incident infrared radiation received via a receiving surface (107, 404) of the absorbing layer (108, 401) and a plurality of mushroom-shaped plasmonic elements (104) for enhancing absorption of the incident infrared radiation into the absorbing layer. Said plurality of mushroom-shaped plasmonic elements (104) have sub-wavelength dimensions and sub-wavelength spacings and are arranged along the receiving surface (107, 404). Each of said plurality of mushroom-shaped plasmonic elements (104) project out relative to the receiving surface (107, 404).

    Patent family as of 1.9.2022

    EP3948958 A120220209EP2020071653420200323 
    FI129724 B20220729FI2019000521720190325 
    FI20195217 A20200926FI2019000521720190325 
    US2022155150 AA20220519US2021059371520200323 
    WO20193857 A120201001WO2020FI5018320200323

    Link to current patent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFI129724
    IPCH01L 31/ 0352 A I
    Priority date25/03/19
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2020
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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