Integrating plus energy buildings and districts with the eu energy community framework: Regulatory opportunities, barriers and technological solutions

Andreas Tuerk* (Corresponding Author), Dorian Frieden, Camilla Neumann, Konstantinos Latanis, Anastasios Tsitsanis, Spyridon Kousouris, Javier Llorente, Ismo Heimonen, Francesco Reda, Mia Ala-Juusela, Koen Allaerts, Chris Caerts, Thomas Schwarzl, Schwarzl IT, Annette Stosch, Thomas Ramschak

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

22 Citations (Scopus)
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The aim of this paper is to assess opportunities the Clean Energy Package provides for Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs) and Plus Energy Districts (PEDs) regarding their economic optimization and market integration, possibly leading to new use cases and revenue streams. At the same time, insights into regulatory limitations at the national level in transposing the set of EU Clean Energy Package provisions are shown. The paper illustrates that the concepts of PEBs and PEDs are in principle compatible with the EU energy community concepts, as they relate to technical charac-teristics while energy communities provide a legal and regulatory framework for the organization and governance of a community, at the same time providing new regulatory space for specific ac-tivities and market integration. To realize new use cases, innovative ICT approaches are needed for a range of actors actively involved in creating and operating energy communities as presented in the paper. The paper discusses a range of different options to realize PEBs and PEDs as energy communities based on the H2020 EXCESS project. It concludes, however, that currently the trans-position of the Clean Energy Package by the EU Member States is incomplete and limiting and as a consequence, in the short term, the full potential of PEBs and PEDs cannot be exploited.

Original languageEnglish
Article number468
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Clean Energy Package
  • Energy communities
  • Energy sharing
  • Energy trading
  • Plus Energy Buildings
  • Plus Energy Districts


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