Margolis, HS, Benkler, E, Calonico, D, Denker, H, Delva, P, Godun, RM, Lisdat, C, Achkar, J, Bize, S, Gersl, J, Gill, P
, Lindvall, T, Merimaa, M, Pizzocaro, M, Piester, D, Riedel, F, Cesia, I, Shemar, SL, Sterr, SL, Timmen, L, Voigt, C, Vogt, S, Weyers, S & Whibberley, PB 2015,
International timescales with optical clocks. in
Book of abstracts. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum, Denver, Colorado, United States,