Interoperability of remote handling control system software modules at Divertor Test Platform 2 using middleware

Janne Tuominen (Corresponding Author), Teemu Rasi, Jouni Mattila, Mikko Siuko, Salvador Esqué, David Hamilton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper focuses on the inter-subsystem communication channels in a prototype distributed remote handling control system at Divertor Test Platform 2 (DTP2). The subsystems are responsible for specific tasks and, over the years, their development has been carried out using various platforms and programming languages. The communication channels between subsystems have different priorities, e.g. very high messaging rate and deterministic timing or high reliability in terms of individual messages.

    Generally, a control system's communication infrastructure should provide interoperability, scalability, performance and maintainability. An attractive approach to accomplish this is to use a standardized and proven middleware implementation. The selection of a middleware can have a major cost impact in future integration efforts.

    In this paper we present development done at DTP2 using the Object Management Group's (OMG) standard specification for Data Distribution Service (DDS) for ensuring communications interoperability. DDS has gained a stable foothold especially in the military field. It lacks a centralized broker, thereby avoiding a single-point-of-failure. It also includes an extensive set of Quality of Service (QoS) policies. The standard defines a platform- and programming language independent model and an interoperability wire protocol that enables DDS vendor interoperability, allowing software developers to avoid vendor lock-in situations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2177-2180
    JournalFusion Engineering and Design
    Issue number9-10
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed
    Event27th Symposium On Fusion Technology - Liège, Belgium
    Duration: 24 Sept 201228 Sept 2012


    • control system
    • DDS
    • DTP2
    • middleware
    • remote handling


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