Is dehulling of peas and faba beans necessary prior to dry fractionation for the production of protein- and starch-rich fractions? Impact on physical properties, chemical composition and techno-functional properties

Cátia Saldanha do Carmo (Corresponding Author), Pia Silventoinen, Catherine Taylor Nordgård, Claire Poudroux, Tzvetelin Dessev, Hanne Zobel, Ann Katrin Holtekjølen, Kurt Ingar Draget, Ulla Holopainen-Mantila, Svein Halvor Knutsen, Stefan Sahlstrøm

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    88 Citations (Scopus)


    Dehulling of peas and faba beans prior to milling and air classification was evaluated, namely its impact on physical properties, chemical composition and techno-functional properties of the fractions. Dry fractionation protocols for protein enrichment from whole and dehulled peas and faba beans were optimized and large-scale batches were produced. Fine fractions with protein contents of 44.0 and 46.2% dm from whole and dehulled peas and between 60.0 and 60.9% dm from whole and dehulled faba beans were obtained, respectively. A maximum protein recovery of 71.3% and 49.2% was obtained for peas and faba beans, respectively. Dehulling enabled a lighter colour of faba bean fractions and improved the starch enrichment in the coarse fractions from peas and faba beans. The total non-starch polysaccharides were significantly reduced in the coarse fractions when dehulling was conducted. Dehulling did not significantly improve the techno-functional properties of fine and coarse fractions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number109937
    JournalJournal of Food Engineering
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    This study was financially supported by the Norwegian Research Council, Project “Innovative and Sustainable Exploitation of Plant Proteins in Future Foods” Nr 267858 .


    • Dehulling
    • Dry fractionation
    • Faba beans
    • Field peas
    • Physicochemical properties
    • Techno-functional properties


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