Isotope identity experiments in JET-ILW with H and D L-mode plasmas

C. F. Maggi, H. Weisen, F. J. Casson, F. Auriemma, R. Lorenzini, H. Nordman, E. Delabie, F. Eriksson, J. Flanagan, D. Keeling, D. King, L. Horvath, S. Menmuir, Antti Salmi, G. Sips, Tuomas Tala, I. Voitsekhovich

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    33 Citations (Scopus)


    NBI-heated L-mode plasmas have been obtained in JET with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) in H and D, with matched profiles of the dimensionless plasma parameters, ρ , ν , β and q in the plasma core confinement region and same T i/T e and Z eff. The achieved isotope identity indicates that the confinement scale invariance principle is satisfied in the core confinement region of these plasmas, where the dominant instabilities are Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) modes. The dimensionless thermal energy confinement time, ωi τ E,th, and the scaled core plasma heat diffusivity, A χ eff/B T, are identical in H and D within error bars, indicating lack of isotope mass dependence of the dimensionless L-mode thermal energy confinement time in JET-ILW. Predictive flux driven simulations with JETTO-TGLF of the H and D identity pair is in very good agreement with experiment for both isotopes: the stiff core heat transport, typical of JET-ILW NBI heated L-modes, overcomes the local gyro-Bohm scaling of gradient-driven TGLF, explaining the lack of isotope mass dependence in the confinement region of these plasmas. The effect of E -B shearing on the predicted heat and particle transport channels is found to be negligible for these low beta and low momentum input plasmas.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number076028
    Number of pages11
    JournalNuclear Fusion
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    This work was carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 633053 and from the RCUK Energy Programme grant No. EP/P012450/1.


    • Isotope identity
    • JET-ILW
    • Tokamak plasmas


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