Java based solution for generic product data browsing

Kari Kaitanen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


In its' earlier and on-going research projects VTT has developed generic meta-level product data models considering especially the needs of the construction industry. In this particular approach a new application, generic product data browser, has been developed ontop of this fundamental modelling work by using the new Java technology. Java is a fully object-oriented platform independent programming language, which enables you to make easily robust, multi-threaded implementations fully integrated to Internet. The new technology supports also component based programming (JavaBeans, CORBA) and derived objects. The browser application, called "Starlet", is fully implemented with Javaand can be run anywhere through any Java-supported web-browser like Netscape or MS Internet Explorer. The application can be run also locally as a stand-alone program.The product data model used by "Starlet" is based on a generic meta-model. This high level schema, defined by EXPRESS-G, supports generic product data management and gives the application a lot of flexibility and scalability in describing your product data class structures and for example object grouping. The schema supports easier mapping to andfrom e.g. already available and yet to come IFC-schemata without any loss of product data information.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInformation Technology Support for Construction Process Reengineering
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the CIB W78 "Working Commision on information technology in construction" and TG10 "Task group oncomputer representation of design standards and building codes"
EditorsRobin Drogemuller
Place of PublicationTownsville
PublisherJames Cook University
ISBN (Print)978-0-86443-636-8
Publication statusPublished - 1997
MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
Event1997 CIB W78 and TG10 Workshop - Cairns, Australia
Duration: 9 Jul 199711 Jul 1997

Publication series

SeriesCIB W78 conference series


Workshop1997 CIB W78 and TG10 Workshop


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