Joints of glulam structures based on glued-in ribbed steel rods

Jorma Kangas

Research output: Book/ReportReport


Glued-in ribbed steel rod joints of glulam were studied with three different experiments. (1) In test series of single-rod joints, two types of epoxy and polyurethane adhesive were used. 20 mm thick rods were glued into 25 mm holes, whose depth was 340 mm. Angle between rod and grain direction was 30 -90 . Both compression and tensile series were made. In compression series, different combinations of gluing and loading moisture contents were used. Strains in rods were measured with strain gauges. (2) In test series of V joints, the rods of joint were placed in two directions to form a 'V'. Variable combinations of angles were used. Both shear and tensile loading were used. Modelling of the capacity of V joint is presented. (3) In test series of connections of 1.2 m high beams, two types of symmetric and asymmetric connections based on V joints were loaded. Bending capacity of unjoined beam was attained. Strains were measured in connecting steel plates, to which the steel rods of the V`s were welded. Recommendation for design method of moment-resisting connections is proposed.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEspoo
PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Number of pages94
ISBN (Print)951-38-4634-2
Publication statusPublished - 1994
MoE publication typeNot Eligible

Publication series

SeriesVTT Publications


  • construction
  • wooden structures
  • structural timber
  • gluelam beams
  • joints (junctions)
  • gluing
  • adhesion
  • bonding
  • ribs (supports)
  • steels
  • rods
  • epoxy resins
  • polyurethane resins
  • recommendations
  • design
  • tensile stress
  • compression tests
  • bending stress
  • moisture content
  • measurement
  • loads (forces)


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