Knowledge creation at FORTUM Engineering

P. Valikangas, J. Puttonen, M. Sulkusalmi, A. S. Kazi, M. Hannus

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


The creation and management of knowledge is considered a key enabler of value added business process delivery. This paper presents the findings of the main efforts towards knowledge creation at Fortum Engineering (FE), an engineering, procurement, and construction provider of power plants. Dealing with different levels of knowledge, it is necessary for FE to provide an environment that is able to translate and codify its tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to support the definition of power plant configurations using expert applications. Where data or information is not available in a tangible form for translation, some mapping methodologies may be used to render the tacit knowledge meaningful and usable. FE's suggested, knowledge creation and management environment involves; mining of data structures to capture and transfer information into the appropriate knowledge level, manual and automated inputs and rule definitions to capture and manage knowledge on different knowledge levels, and the correlation of knowledge and its data or information source using mind mapping tools. The focus of this paper is to first justify the need for knowledge creation at FE and then to illustrate the envisioned knowledge creation environment. Key phases of the knowledge creation process are furthermore explained.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlobal Engineering, Manufacturing and Enterprise Networks
Subtitle of host publicationFourth International Working Conference on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing (DIISM 2000)
EditorsJohn P. T. Mo, Laszlo Nemes
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)978-147571012-0
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2001
MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
EventIFIP TC5 WG5.3/5.7/5.12 4th International Working Conference on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, DIISM 2000 - Melbourne, VC, Australia
Duration: 15 Nov 200017 Nov 2000

Publication series

SeriesIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology


ConferenceIFIP TC5 WG5.3/5.7/5.12 4th International Working Conference on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, DIISM 2000
CityMelbourne, VC


  • Fortum Engineering
  • Information infrastructure
  • Knowledge mining and creation
  • Virtual enterprise


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