title = "Kodin verkotettujen laitteiden palveluiden hy{\"o}dynt{\"a}minen",
abstract = "This diploma thesis deals with the utilization of services provided by networked home appliances from outside of the home environment. Services are considered to be any information provided by a home appliance which the outside user can utilize. The processing of this information often produces functions in the controlled home devices. The biggest problems related to this subject are the wide variety of technologies used to network home appliances and the safety related to the control of these devices. The goal of this thesis is to implement the utilization of services from outside of the home environment offered by simple home networked appliances using a nomadic terminal. The applicability of SIP- and OSGi-technologies are studied in relation to this subject matter. The research is limited in that it does not deal with security, identification and the reliability of the utilized services and the stress on SIP's part in this study is emphasized in its relation to OSGi. Related to these technologies research is conducted on the naming, addressing, mobility, user interfaces, technological independence, requirements for communication, scalability and presence of various devices. To enable this, a system was implemented with which services provided by a home's lamp and alarm system were able to be utilized with a nomadic terminal. Software was implemented with the Java programming language because of its support for platform independence and networking. The operation of the system was demonstrated with five use cases which illustrated the downloading of the user interfaces of the devices in question and the communication which takes place after it. The progress of the use cases is illustrated with the aid of SIP message charts and the structure of the software is depicted with UML.Based on an evaluation performed at the end, SIP was recognized to be easily expandable and to support the mobility and naming of the devices. It was also found to be suitable for the implementation of the communication requirements. OSGi's best feature was noticed to be its functionality as a dynamic service gateway between the home and the outside Internet.",
keywords = "SIP, OSGi, service gateways, presence",
author = "Pekka P{\"a}{\"a}kk{\"o}nen",
note = "Project code: E2SU00085",
year = "2002",
language = "Finnish",
series = "VTT Tiedotteita - Meddelanden - Research Notes",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "2157",
address = "Finland",